Sunday, March 05, 2006

Free Melons

In an interesting development, New Orleans' City Park, the fifth largest urban park in North America and the holder of the world's largest collection of mature oak trees, is - due to severe staffing issues and the fact that they are broke in the wake of Hurricane Katrina - now being overrun by watermelon plants.

With several hundred years of watermelon seeds from countless African-American picnics laid and buried upon the grounds of the park, the heavy and fertile waters of Katrina have forced a massive germination.

The one remaining greenskeeper simply just can not keep up with the wild melon growth and as this information has become common knowledge - another farming industry in southern Louisiana has fallen victim to Katrina.

Hopefully FEMA has been notified. In case this has not occured, please write your congressional delagates as to this unforseen plight of the Louisiana watermelon growers.



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